Monday, December 17, 2012

Old Age Setting In

I have not posted in over a week.  I am having problems with my eyes, guess when you turn 40 things don't work quite right anymore.  Looking at something up close such as the computer or reading and then trying to focus on something else in the room is giving me major headaches.  I am trying to get an appointment to have my eyes checked, not easy this time of year with everyone's Holiday schedule.  But I promise to try and get back to regular postings as soon as possible.  I hope the few followers and readers I have will bear with me through this.  Thanks everyone.


  1. Don't worry about it, my friend!

    I just turned 68, so I can tell you that everyday is an adventure to see what is still working right!

    Hope the eyes start getting better for you!

  2. Lol. I love it Jim. If much else stops working between now and then I am going to be in really rough shape.

  3. I remember before I was able to get in to see the eye doctor I tripped over the dishwasher door. I had opened it and couldn't see it. Sigh, managed to tear one side view mirror off and hung up the keys while I waited for the appointment. Best to hold off being adventuresome until you can see better. Smile.

  4. Post when you can. I'm just shy of 60 and very fortunately only need reading glasses on occassion. Had Lasik about 10 years ago though, and prior to that couldn't see my fingers in front of my face without glasses.....

  5. I like your site - read it all. Will be back. Heading toward 72, I know about that eye business stuff. Will be working with pigs, chickens, a goat soon. Yippee! I'm thinking/feeling like a teen again. I may need backup farming advice come future. Um, Uh, uh, are you available? :)

  6. Sissy, good luck with the pigs, chickens and goats. We are hopin to add chickens, turkeys and maybe rabbits this year. It does make you feel younger messing around on a farm, don't know why but it turns me silly sometimes too. I will be more than willing to pass on any advice I can. Don't know how much I have accrued in my storehouse of knowledge, but I feel that we need to communicate with each other about what has been tried and does or does not work, it's the best way of learning.
